Having worked in museums & art galleries for going on four years now I feel able to present my personal view on the delicate subject that is Modern Art. It’s not to everyone’s taste I admit, I’m certain some people can’t accept any art that isn’t presented in a gold frame. But some is good and should be held in the same regard as more traditional work. Other stuff isn’t so good and I can’t defend it, I’ve tried! But when the public walk in a gallery and I can stir up even the slightest enthusiasm to ‘sell’ what they’re seeing then I don’t see it as me failing, but the artist.
Vonbee’s rules of modern art ;
- If you can reproduce it within 24hrs to a comparable standard then its not really art.
- just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
- if your art installation malfunctions, DVD freezes etc. and no-one notices or can tell, then its not really art.
- a little explanation helps, don’t make the audience try and work it all out (it’s often impossible), they’ll give up, not give it the time of day and perpetuated the myth that modern art is rubbish - most of it is but that’s not the point.
On an unrelated note, finally started watching Fringe Season 5. Rather unenthused so far, actually bored which makes me sad. Watched the first three so far and I accept that the format has changed dramatically from what is was, but I just don't buy the bad guys. Its a bit like what happened to Stargate with the Ori, I just don't find them involving in the slightest. Lets see how it goes.