Jul 05, 2013 22:08
Almost up to speed with Fringe, just one season to watch and I’ll be able to explore the Fringe fandom without fear of spoilers!
My thoughts on the fourth season;
Lincoln Lee! My crush grew with each episode. As much as I buy the Peter/Olivia relationship, I did enjoy how the writers played with the potential of a Lincoln/Olivia thing. Seth Gabel was rather splendid at gently showing his character falling in unrequited love. I watched the episode where he goes to the other side and teams up with Captain Lincoln Lee with trepidation as half way through I realised that one of them would be dead by the end. I was right! I like how ‘our’ Lincoln found some place to belong on the other side, hopefully with Faux’livia.
On a side note I re-watched the Da Vinci Code recently as I’d visited Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh a few weekends ago. To my surprise Seth Gabel briefly appears at the beginning as a reporter interviewing a priest!
The end of season plot line with William Bells plan to create a brave new world was a little bonkers, but hey it worked and gave the cast some great moments.
I loved the even more blatant product placement this season! Nissan and Sprint, neither of which I use or will ever buy, but I appreciate that the show may not have been made if it hadn’t got a chunk of finance from them. But the were to moments that jarred quite badly -one episode were Olivia and Peter had been to question someone on a university campus then gone out to their car - and we watched Olivia unplug the car from an electricity recharge point, then a long lingering shot on the rear of the car as it pulled away - a Nissan Leaf! The Sprint logo is on all the phones used in the show but in the next to last episode a man is seen buying a cup of coffee and paying for it contact-less with his Sprint phone. It’s even worked into the dialogue between Peter and Walter, so awkward!
I’d have been content if the series had ended at this point. I’ve coped with worse, Farscape *sob*, Firefly *sniff*, Flash Forward *I was the only person who loved that show!* . I’m going to leave it a while then see what season 5 has in store.
review type thing