Hello, would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies? Girl Scout cookies? Gi--PLEASE BUY SOME asdfas

Jul 06, 2010 09:51


Why am I not the least bit surprised by this? Also found myself thinking, "Jesus, more new cookies that are 80% likely to fail. And a new peanut butter one? Were Do-Si-Dos and Tagalongs not enough?"

You'd think they'd realize that people aren't usually looking for new flavors, just like the article claims: it's about history, tradition, familiarity, etc. They don't want your "exciting" new cookie flavor du jour, Chocolate Salty Balls.  They want as many Thin Mints as you can possibly shove in their face.

And the rare times you DO find a new one that sticks? KEEP IT. I got damn sick of people asking me about Lemon Coolers, especially since I liked them too - and at this point I've had more GS cookies than anyone could possibly want EVER so I'd know quality. I STILL HAVE SOME BOXES. It made even less business sense than being this Luddite, which is saying something.

Don't even get me started on safety regulations... -mumblegrumble-

tl;dr The Girl Scout Council is dumb and makes things needlessly difficult for the girls.

stupid news, rant, cranky, i have some issues, childhood trauma, wow that's obscure

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