Title: Drabble: In Their Third Century
Series: Love Letters
Age: 280-ish
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta-Doctor/Koschei-Master
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: none, angst
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Drabble: In Their Third Century
In the middle of the night, he pretends to be asleep and I hold him. Just hold him. Softly so softly. He knows I can’t do it otherwise… It’s never like this anymore. Not for either of us. So he lays there in my arms, his breaths shallow, his eyes closed. We pretend we don’t realize that the other one knows. If tears are shed, if thoughts are whispered, no acknowledgment is given. And in the morning nothing is said.
Is it still love? Or has it become just need?
Most days I don’t hate it.