Title: The Oath, age 31
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: PG
WordCount: 538
Warnings: extreme mushiness
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Written for Love Letters prompt #91 - Ceremony
A/N: I wrote a part of this much earlier on, like the fifth or sixth letter into the series, for a different prompt and attributed it to a different age (#90, Promise, age 37) but some of it was just too perfect a fit not to use it here. So I suppose you can take that previous letter as being Theta thinking back to this day.
The Oath, age 31
Part I: Theta
“I, known as ΘΣ, stand before the High Priest, the Lord President, the High Council, and the gathered assembly of Time Lords and do proclaim this, my oath and contract.”
My forever Koschei.
My love. Willingly and joyously I bind myself to you. Since I was born, there has been nothing more constant in my life than you. Not House, not family, not home. There is only you. Without you there is no me.
From this moment, there does not exist a time or place where you do not describe my existence. From the beginning of the universe, before there was life, until to the end of time when all things must fall apart, our names are written together in the stars.
My beloved, I take my place with you in the forever and this I promise:
I will always be your friend
I will always love you
I will hold your hearts gently
I will share everything I am with you
I will forgive you anything
I will run to you forever
I will hold you even if you push me away
I will never lie to you
I will give you my body and my soul
I will always be your refuge
I will be the one to heal you
I will protect you
I will never leave you.
Your hand will never reach and not find mine.
That death will not be the end of our story.
I am yours forever,
Part II: Koschei
“I, known as Koschei, stand before the High Priest, the Lord President, the High Council, and the gathered assembly of Time Lords and do proclaim this, my oath and contract.”
My Theta.
You are mine forever. We are bound by our love, by our hearts, by our souls. Your name was loomed into my identity, and mine was there at your birth. Theta and Koschei, Koschei and Theta. We are order forced upon the chaos of the vortex. We are the everywhen.
I will never let you go and I will never seek to be released. Nothing will ever take you from me. You are my friend and my lover. You are the truth and beauty of my life. You astonish me. You bewilder me. You enchant me. Through your eyes the universe is wonder. Without you, it is void. You make me soar beyond all imagination. You enflame my body and my mind. With you I am limitless. You are the beat of my hearts. You are my very life.
And, Theta, my love? You are my smile.
I adore you. I cherish you. I worship you. I love you. All that I am, ever was, and will ever be, I bind to you with my unending promise.
Your eternal beloved,
Part III: Proclamation of the Lord President
“In accordance with the Laws of Time and before this assembly, we do witness your oath, Theta Sigma and Koschei. We proclaim you sworn to the Seventh Degree of Matrimony. Your timelines are entwined together throughout all of time and space, unbreakable by anyone, not even by yourselves. So do we hereby confirm upon you this constraint. Until the end of time itself, you are bound.”