
Mar 13, 2007 02:40

Something interesting happened the other day when daylight's savings went into effect/ Well, it's really only interesting to me, I suppose. I hadn't turned my phone off in months so imagine my surprise when I did and I saw a new welcome note. It used to have some random jargon I came up with, but the other night all it said was "I love you".

I vaguely remember someone changing it, most likely over the winter break but I just can't pull it to the front of my mind. In any event, it made me smile. I know some friend put it in there and that reminder was just...comforting...

On another note, I will be coming home this Wednesday. My Thursday and Friday classes are canceled so I am leaving as my parents really want to see me and all...

I just hope I'm not destroyed by the midterms, papers and projects that all seem to be due on Wednesday, not to mention the fact that I have work again tomorrow night. At least it's only a 4 hour shift.

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