(no subject)

Jul 02, 2007 13:10

This weekend was meant to be a drumming adventure to Arran, but due to chronic lack of funds and other stuff most of us ended up staying in the 'Bra and I ended up having a most lovely, mildly unplanned weekend.

My plan for Arran had been to walk up Goat fell, and in the absence of one big hill I decided that we should walk up another. So, four of us headed up the Pentlands and managed a respectable 3 and 1/2 hour trek up and over around Scold Law. It was going to be a longer and more hilly trip but the weather packed in and mist ate Edinburgh so we decided to head down the hills and walk the return along the reservoirs.
despite getting cold and wet and windblown it was a great walk. So good to get up and out of the city. To play with passing dogs and run up hills (fell running is looking attractive...)

Heres a picture of us up the hill (stolen from Madame Cutter)

Meanwhile back in Edinburgh, Lady P's regular brunch session had continued into the night so I wandered on wobbly knees down to roast chook, spud salad and greens around 7.30, followed by letting the couch suck me in, pancakes and territorial duvet wars. All with fabulous company that didn't mind my lack of brain.  Yay!

The momentum of saturdays walk sent me on a canal run in the torrential rain on sunday morning and a house cleaning, flat shopping, food cooking , clothes mending extravaganza. Domestic joy.

In conclusion,
I should go walking more often, it makes me productive.

chill, peoples, food, domestic bliss, outside

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