Oct 11, 2009 21:24
I continue to get what seems to be the raw end of the deal when it comes to schedules at my store. I've worked - closed - my store three Sundays in a row (not today, though, a small grace). I've worked entire weekends from Thursday to Monday. This week I have the pleasure of closing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.
I've not yet been made assistant manager. I'm sure as hell taking on the burden of one and being treated like one, though. Accentuated by the fact that Joe finally quit being a pussy about his ingrown toenail and had it lopped off. Only now I can expect him to continue being a wuss and take the entire week off. For recovery.
To say I'm a little tired of being dicked around, over and over, would be an understatement. All I keep hearing is "wait a little longer." That's it, just "wait." I can't even get an assurance that I'll be getting the position. Just that there's a chance I can get it. I've been passed up for this so many goddamn times now. The first time I wasn't ready, I know that, I knew it then. The second time, I wasn't ready to pack up my life, sever my lease, and essentially abandon my friends/roommates. The third time, I apparently wasn't even in the equation, the job went to someone else on a whim. The fourth time, a dumb bitch made up some pathetic sob story after the quit, and now she's back. The fifth time, the manager liked me, but apparently I still have things to work on before I'm "ready." Despite the fact that I'm apparently "ready" to be shipped out of state to Sioux City, where I don't have any family or friends or anybody I even fucking know. The sixth and most recent time, they chose an incompetent boob who continues to call me for answers to the most trifling of customer service matters.
And now, now I hear an old ASM who left to join the army (the very same one from pass-up #3) may be honorably discharged. That being the case, the company is required by law to give him an assistant manager's position.
I'm getting sick of the Tantalus treatment. Thus, I've given myself an ultimatum. If I've not been made an assistant manager by the end of the year, I'm done. I'll find a different job, stay with FedEx long enough to qualify for benefits with the new job if they offer any, and turn my back on Gamestop from then on. Everyone else seems to be getting a free ride, but I have to earn everything multiple times over, and with a much greater effort on my part. Even now, if I were made an ASM tomorrow, it would hardly feel like an accomplishment. More like a "is this all?" thing. A consolation prize.
Well, fuck that.