Sep 09, 2008 19:38
I really think Obama/Biden should spend about a week attacking Sarah Palin. She's an appealing character and is part of McCain's bounce post-convention (which I am pleased - sort of - to have been right about). I think I would make the centerpiece of my attack her disgusting dishonesty in trying to claim that she opposed "The Bridge to Nowhere." She supported it. Then she opposed it when it became a national controversy, and she threw Ted Stephens under her bus and kept all the federal money. Attacking her for this would effectively destroy her ethical appeal to everyone but Evangelical shit-brains and show McCain to be a fool.
Here's about how I'd do it:
"What does it say about John McCain's judgment that he picked for his running mate - a person who might be a heartbeat away from the presidency - a woman that he only met once for an hour. What does it say about John McCain's judgment that he chose a woman who boasts about opposing that bridge to nowhere when she really supported it, then shifted with the political winds, then kept all your tax money? What does it say about his judgment that he chose someone whose so-called "maverick" quality is a lie? For the last week she's been selling herself with a lie! Did he know about that? It only took us about two minutes on Google to find out. Oh - but I forgot. John McCain doesn't know how to use the internet."
If they insisted on making the McCain-Bush parallel, I'd continue:
"What does it say about his judgment? Who does this kind of choice remind you of: Recklessly gambling our nation's future on a gut feeling? Not getting enough information before he acts? Who does that remind you of? Anyone we know? Sounds a little like George W. Bush doesn't it? So do you want a president with that kind of judgment for another four years?..."
Later, when asked, "Do you think Sarah Palin is a liar?", I'd reply, "What do you call someone who repeatedly and publicly tells a lie?".
Destroy her. Destroy her ethical appeal. Make her an anchor around McCain's neck.
But after tearing her to shreds, I'd get back on that economy message. If I were in Obama's shoes right now my campaign slogan would be "Can you afford to vote Republican?"
I am now decidely behind Obama, and not just for the great view. McCain's choice of this woman is unacceptable to me. I don't want another Bible-thumper anywhere near the White House. And really, what does it say about his judgment that he chose a liar like her?
I also really love that this woman who supports abstinance only education now has a pregnant seventeen-year-old daughter. Bristol Palin is Juneau's Juno.
(I know they're not from Juneau.)