uptown girls is the cutest movie. i couldve wouldve shouldve cried! stupid henry.
i read a couple of past entries and realized what a fuckass i must seem like. i complain too much. i have a fabulous life and the best friends imaginable.
tiffie - you are beyond wonderful! i can honestly say im at my happiest when we're together over-exaggerating everything. we WILL graduate this year and live amazing lives, hiding from the paparazzi and all. much love, slim.
ambizzle - chances are youre probably not reading this, but i just dont care. youre my favorite pal! you keep me laughing with all your little remarks and make me feel "cool" just being in your presence. i love you, but youre not my girlfriend. and keep it that way!
lily - awww, d00der! you already know how much you mean to me and how much i love you, so i really dont need to go into detail. i cant wait for you to come live with me. youre my bestfriend for FOREVER, weather you like it or not, hag.
amberrr - you idiot. i love that you make me forget about anything bad/sad/stressful/dumb when im around you. you really are the coolest person i know. youre going to do something spectacular with your life and i'll be there to help pay your rent. "i know i can".
candi$$ - hoe! youre my hero. i wish my game was as good as yours. im kidnapping you to california when after we graduate, so prepare yourself! and i really do think youre black under all that cracker.
reno - i really do need to call you, because we really do need to hang out. i love how youre always smiling. you are too kind and too smart and too awesome, if you ever change i will have to do something crazy.
shawna - youre my favorite loon in the whole wide world. im sorry im one of those friends that never calls. i never really call anyone though, so yeah. i saw you tonight for like .7 seconds and you are beyond cute. sometime soon = kimmie and shawna extravanganza.
and this is strictly tiffie, ambizzle, lily, amberr, candiss, reno, and shawna. so go away if thats not you.