Deconstruction, this week's topic.

Nov 10, 2010 05:12

I don't feel like a comic for this week's topic, so here's an old piece of art and a new piece of writing instead.


Things begin to fall away.
First goes Novelty.
Then goes Questioning (woops!).
Then goes a bunch of Time.
Somewhere along the line things that were “The Same” have gone.
Excitement and Fun make their exits, leaving the show to Drudgery and Malaise.
God Damnit, where did I place that Patience??!
Agreement is next on the list.
Communication is for losers.
Hmm, I wonder if any of this is in the correct Order...
All signs of Enjoyment have disappeared by now.
I’m through with this “I QUIT SMOKING" badge.
Pretty soon Civility becomes endagered, then extinct.
Well, there goes the Relationship.

Lets see... there’s still more to work with here.

Comprehension, we don’t need that anymore do we?
Focus, you’re outta here.
Direction? Where?
Ah, who needs Concern anyway?
Caution goes to the four winds.
Judgement blows right along with it.
Cohesion? How about we shake things up instead!
Dependability, I think that’s been on it’s way out for awhile now.
The firing squad takes aim at Sobriety.
Self Confidence is a thing of the distant past now.
Hope, lets drop that.
Time to sell that Diamond Ring.
Self Worth is flushed down the drain in short order.
Love, that’s for fools who rush in.
Happiness, you’re next.
Friends? Who needs em?
Concept of Self, I’m not too attached to this one what about you?
In fact, let’s just toss this whole box of Feeling Anything Whatsoever.
The promise i made not to use a razor blade on myself, that’s a prime target.
Oops, already broke that one I see.
Let’s not get rid of this Switchblade though, I like this one.
Lets just get rid of Sanity altogether.
Bye bye Apartment.
See ya later Self Sufficiency.

Stretch all that out over five years and what do I have left? A little less than I started with.
I don’t even know if there’s an “I” left.

That was the beginning of my latest Long Dark Night of the Soul.
No matter how many times I experience them, I never fully get used to it.

I constantly dismantle and reconstruct myself and everything in my life.
This is a snapshot of half that process in it's recent performance.
Eventually my very body itself will deconstruct, as well as all memory of my existence.

The ouroborean endeavor.


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