Wednesday I went to town with Aimee and Rik. I bought...A train ticket. woooop wooop! I ran to Oxfam and I was looking all round the shop screaming 'MARIAAAAAA....WHERE ARE YOUU!' all day I was saying 'I miss rhi...where's Rhi?!?!' ect...they were like 'shut uppp!'
Tuesday afternoon I went to town again with my daddy and I helped him choose stuff for my brother and sister for christmas then I bought Felicia's and Aimee's present and It was fun I dropped my muffin on the floor and was screaming No0o0o00!! my dad was trying to throw it in the bin cuz it had been on the floor so we fought with a muffin I was like NO NOT THE BIN No0o0o0! pmsl XD
I got home and saw my sister who I hadn't seen in aages! (well...monday) but it felt like a million years so we talked and sang and laughed and ate chocolates and she cuddled me when I was upset about something and bless she's the funniest person In the world and she tought me words to a song so we sang In harmony together and It was well fun! <3 I love my sister <3
Then she went to Dan's to Get Festive!
Aimee came round to stay over and we watched Coyote ugly and talked and sang and laughed and made food! she a vegan and I kept accidently saying stuff like 'Do you want hot chocolate? .....Do you want some Ice-cream?! ........Oh shit.'
This morning I'm wrapping christmas presents. I need to finish making Nancy's. I still need to buy Rhi's and Helen's. I don't know what to get Rhi she's well hard to buy for. Helen's Is nice I haven't bought it yet though...I may get them the same thing because it's really nice and they will like it weee!
Today I'm having a family day So I can't go anywhere I have my Grandma coming down from nottingham for christmas In the afternoon and I'm spending some of the day with my sister aswell and I need to help tidy for my mummy because she wants the house tidy for her mummy.
I need to think of what to buy/make Cassie for christmas. I miss her lots.
I am getting my Guinea pigs In the afternoon hopefully. My dad will bring them over. And Today I think I'm also helping him put his christmas decorations up :)
That Is all. Thankyou.