What I did on my Holidays continued

Jan 15, 2007 22:35

These are the animals I saw while on Holiday in the Evans Head area of Northern N.S.W.
Litoria caerula Green tree frog
Limnodynastes ornatus Ornate Burrowing frog

Tiliqua scincoids Common Blue tounge
Varanus gouldii sand monitor
Lampropholis delicata Dark flecked garden sun skink

Egretta Novaaehollandiae white faced heron
Cratcticus nigrogularis Pied butcher bird
Gymnorhina tibicien Australian magpie
Laurus novaehollandiae
Malurus cyaneus
Manoria Melanocephala Noisy minor
Philemon corniculatus Noisy Friar bird
Pelecanus conspicillatus Australian Pelican
Trichoglossus haematodus Rainbow lorikeet
Vanellus miles Masked lapwing(plover)
Ocyphaps lophotes Crested pigeon
Phaps Chalcoptera Common Bronzewing Pigeon
Heard several boobook owls

Macropus rufogriseus Red necked wallaby
Wallabia bicolour Swamp Wallaby
Perameles nasuta Long nosed Bandicoot
Petaurus breviceps Sugar glider
Unidentified Microbat

I only went out looking for animals a few times, but it was a great way to add something to my trip, I appreciated the scenery so much more when I saw some of the animals who call it home


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