Title: Negai Kanae Tamae (Grant my Wish)
Mangaka: Nishida Higashi
Scanslator: Volyund
Proofreader: Jb
Scans: WinMX
Volume 3 Chapter 15 (the final chapter, but there is still an extra chapter after this).
WARNING: it's a YAOI. If you don't know what "yaoi" is you shouldn't be downloading it.
Download Links:
4shared folder with all the chapters I have scanslated so far BTW, last week or so, 4shared ate up 3 random chapters from my folder for no apparent reason. I've re-upped them, but please tell me if any of the links you need aren't working.
Oh, the long awaited conclusion to the story!
Sorry it took a while. Anyway, I'm happy to complete this project.
But, don't forget, there is still an extra chapter coming up.
Enjoy, and tell me if you find any mistakes.