"I'll quit this shit in a mili-second and all these bands in the area can go back to the way it was. Playing out of car stereo's for 25 people and there wouldn’t be a show between Richmond and the water."
oh, you mean like all those SWEET ASS shows that go down in yorktown? yeah dude, i'll be there in a heartbeat! the truth of the matter is that the last yorktown show that didn't lick dong was put together by a 14 year old... and no third party made a damn cent. if that's the horrible state it will revert to without the guidance of the grand cheno, then please die. i'll take a show wth 25 heart-filled kids over your edgehill corporation any day.
Jezz, greg greg greg, you made money. infact you got paided better than any other band that night there that played. But hey, thats old news right? and dont worry, our policy has changed, we have contracts now before bands play. So we dont run into these problems anymore. Also includes for when you guys break shit, including my 40 dollar monster mic cable that your singer swang around like it was a rope. I didn't go down that road did i? maybe i should have.
Bottom line, keep dreaming and hating on me. Besides, this really doesn't have to deal with you greg. Just me and dan. So how about you respect that?
as of 11:02am this morning, im still blocked from you.
having 2 screen names is oh so very nice. How bout we take this off of dans journal. unblock me, and you can show me how the tough guys roll in the bad news.
"ooh, i'm spyin on you with TWO screen names. i'm cool. i book allll the good shows on the peninsula, and everyone else sucks. if you're not with abh, then you're not cool. by the way, my name's cheno and i'm about to get my face kicked in by some hardcore ki..." *BAM*
cheno, you have nothing better to do than spy on random people by making up screen names? shows how lame you are. go do something worthwhile.. like booking a GOOD show.
and whoever it was that blocked cheno... RAWK. i wouldn't want to talk to him either. everyone knows that high steaks brings the mosh like no other. don't trash-talk those guys, cause they know whats up.
as seen here, you're not blocked. you haven't been. as of 11:02 this morning, either A) your aim sucks, of B) you have misspelled "CameOutSwinging". if you want to talk shit, feel free. i, and many others, think you're a chode. i'm not trying to sound or look tough, i'm only saying you're worthless. eat shit, dickhead.
And thanks for unblocking me, i didn't misspell it, you just blocked me after last night. Its ok pip old chap, you keep doing your thing man. Im sure good things will come of it.
oh and for the rest of you kids. No worries children. in 6 months, i'll be a regular middleclass white kid selling tshirts at pac-sun. Right? ahhahaa, you guys rock my world
people who block you do so because they don't feel like dealing with your idiocy...and horrible grammar. i'm sure that if you'll be working at pac-sun six months from now, you won't be getting "paided" as much, so maybe you should stick with pretending like you own a bunch of bands in williamsburg and hampton roads who could obviously do just as well on their own. probably even better. ABH is a joke, in case you couldn't tell. A bunch of middle and high school kids who want to feel like they have a special place in the "scene" when they don't do anything, and you honestly don't either. there are tons of people who don't like your personality cheno, so please do us all a favor and get over yourself.
I find it funny that grammar is used as a means of degrading someone considering not a one of the 'post-ers' on this message board is an English major or has been trained to any great degree. Get over yourself. Congratulations on noting 'paided,' I'm sure Cheno was thinking about his grammar in the midst of an emotional response. If you want to talk grammar, semantics and the like then let's do that, but don't start bringing that bullshit into a discussion of friendship. Some of the greatest poets (and vocalists) discard traditional grammar, semantics, etc. in order to achieve the greatest emotional imagery, tone, and mood
( ... )
and none of that matters because no one will read your shitty, long winded post. oh and by the way, i am an english major... with a minor in message board posting. prove me wrong asshole.
oh, you mean like all those SWEET ASS shows that go down in yorktown? yeah dude, i'll be there in a heartbeat! the truth of the matter is that the last yorktown show that didn't lick dong was put together by a 14 year old... and no third party made a damn cent. if that's the horrible state it will revert to without the guidance of the grand cheno, then please die. i'll take a show wth 25 heart-filled kids over your edgehill corporation any day.
Bottom line, keep dreaming and hating on me. Besides, this really doesn't have to deal with you greg. Just me and dan. So how about you respect that?
P.P.S. the future of cheno
having 2 screen names is oh so very nice. How bout we take this off of dans journal. unblock me, and you can show me how the tough guys roll in the bad news.
cheno, you have nothing better to do than spy on random people by making up screen names? shows how lame you are. go do something worthwhile.. like booking a GOOD show.
and whoever it was that blocked cheno... RAWK. i wouldn't want to talk to him either. everyone knows that high steaks brings the mosh like no other. don't trash-talk those guys, cause they know whats up.
And thanks for unblocking me, i didn't misspell it, you just blocked me after last night. Its ok pip old chap, you keep doing your thing man. Im sure good things will come of it.
oh and for the rest of you kids. No worries children. in 6 months, i'll be a regular middleclass white kid selling tshirts at pac-sun. Right? ahhahaa, you guys rock my world
people who block you do so because they don't feel like dealing with your idiocy...and horrible grammar. i'm sure that if you'll be working at pac-sun six months from now, you won't be getting "paided" as much, so maybe you should stick with pretending like you own a bunch of bands in williamsburg and hampton roads who could obviously do just as well on their own. probably even better. ABH is a joke, in case you couldn't tell. A bunch of middle and high school kids who want to feel like they have a special place in the "scene" when they don't do anything, and you honestly don't either. there are tons of people who don't like your personality cheno, so please do us all a favor and get over yourself.
oh shit...
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