May 02, 2004 12:47
One of the many highlights of last night thanks to J.C, Greg's friend from school. That girl is great, she's so much fun. I told Greg how happy I was that he had found her and became friends with her; she just seems like the kind of person I would be friends with; very nice person. So Greg and I, J.C., Kenji, this cute little Asian kid, and Sly went out to this really nice Italian restaurant. Ok Sly, I have only met this kid twice but I think I got to know him better last night. He's an overweight, black, gay man with a lisp and a HUGE ass. Ok folks, I just painted you all an amazing picture....let your imagination run wild. But you all know that I'm not the kind of person to judge based on just appearance, come on now. But this kid was A-NNOYYYYY-ING. He's, for some reason, kinda nasty to Greg which I guess has to do with his frustrations with his lovers but why he takes it out on Greg I don't know. He is on the South Beach diet do at dinner he had water, and didn't eat any bread and ordered a salad for dinner. He wasen't whinning or complaining, but you know, it's just annoying when you all go out and want to enjoy food cause I know I don't go out to nice places to eat very often, and there is someone like all concerned about what they are putting into their mouth. It makes you all paranoid but whatever. I had a great time, and it made me realize how nice it will be to have Greg around next year if I transfer. I really want to go to Eugene Lang, I can't go back to Purchase..I will loose my mind. I can't say I know exactly what I want to do but I know what I don't want to do and what would make me happy. I just need to be in the city right now, it's just got too many opportunities that should be taken advantage of. Cross your fingers guys, mama wants to bust out.
p.s. Random entry I know but if the spirit moves ya.........