The question that will hurt your head later on, is: if I didn't tell you, would you have done it?

Oct 30, 2004 22:08

Friday was costume day at school.
I was scrambling Thursday night.
Basically, Brian had told me he had an extra suit jacket that I could borrow on Friday. Called me 5:00 Thursday night and basically said "Yeah, I kinda don't have it". I flipped. I had like, 5 hours to find a replacement. Luckily, my sister had a business jacket that looked good enough.
So, Friday morning, I conned Brian (who was 47 from Hitman) into going to the music room with me, so I could borrow a tie from the teacher. It was untied, and like FUCK I know how to tie a tie. I tried to get Brian to do it, and after fruitless attempts, he didn't succeed. I got Mr Maule to do it. The only problem THEN was: my boots were still not clean (I had attempted the night before) and I had no sunglasses. My glasses are the right shape as Smith's, but they're only tinted. So unless I could keep a natural source of bright light on them the whole day, I was screwed. I plotted to steal Brian's sunglasses, because 47 doesn't wear them, although he argued that he did.

I meet Evelyn, looking all Smith like, and she's normal. I'm basically: "WTF?" and she explains that she didn't want to wear her Mad Hatter hat, and then proceeds to start singing "Happy Unbirthday to you". I was scared. We then headed into the caf, where I saw everyone dressed up. Brian and I headed to CPU Engineering and we had our teacher comment on our outfits. It was quite funny. And then Brian and I started bickering over the glasses during class, while programming our final project. We only have another 2 weeks. The fun is overflowing.

Then Nick (who I hardly know) and Brian rope me into going down for the costume picture for the yearbook. Now, understand, Brian had a cap gun. A Baretta, no less, but still a cap gun. Unfortunately, my jacket had no pockets. x_x So we were in the back. I hope I'm not seen.

Lunch was an event in itself. We totally screwed around. I was with Nicole and Evelyn for some time, and then we went to the caf with Jordan, Brian, Mallory, Ryan (who claimed he was a pirate Neo - haha), and Cynthia. It was funny, since Ryan kept trying to piss me off. Brian lent me his shades, everyone started switching glasses (I hid mine in my sleeve) Ryan was like "Arr! An agent she be! Arr! I is The One!" and then started acting like normal Neo. Then the capgun (with no caps) got involved, and Jordan killed us all multiple times (cept me. I just said I dodged the bullets and I was too fast for anyone to see. Everyone else who saw Jones in the first movie agreed). It was great.

Nothing more eventful happens, except for Evelyn actually wore her hat to Math, and people behind her couldn't see. It was funny, because we kept talking about The Matrix and our Jedi buddy photo and the like.
Then in music, Laura (as Snow White) gets it in her head to start taking pics of everyone. I steal Brian's sunglasses again, and Jordan takes a group pic of myself, Laura, Evelyn, Mallory, Brian, I think maybe Daylene. I dunno. Bunch of us. If I get the pic, I may put it here. I asked Laura to e-mail it to me, but so far: nothing.

So yeah. And appropriately enough, The Matrix was on tonight. And as much as I know and can decypher (ha, no pun intended) that movie still confuses me. =\ I can't wait until the boxset comes out. I will be so happy.

"You're a bastard"
"...You would know, mom."

Also, last night/this morning, my father and I watched Dawn of the Dead and The Day After Tomorrow. Hehehe. Dawn of the Dead was bloody and great. Felt kind of sorry for Andy. After picking out Burt Reynolds in that crowd too... And Day After Tomorrow greatly reminded me of The Core (Minus the characters. Couldn't get into the characters in DAT, but loved them [specially Zimsky <3] in The Core), but was a very good movie in its right. Beside, the tornado-LA scene was AMAZING. =)

I'm going to search for some music from Roger Rabbit now. Ever since I played it a few days ago for NES, the music has been stuck in my head. And I need to find either the game/movie soundtrack, like, NOW!

Shoot me.

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