darkertime"Tripping through the misty streams of light,
so beautiful, I stare in awe."
summerslaughter12 South, Nashville, TN
I leaned over the railing next to these stairs and snapped a quick shot.
surrenderfaceTaken on Interstate 285 around Atlanta, GA. I was bored to/from going to eat and my boyfriend's car makes you feel every single bump on any road (I blame the 17" wheels) so a lot of interesting things happen within one second.
eilunedSerpent Riverbed
This was taken at
Queen Califia's Magical Circle Garden, a sculpture garden designed by Niki de Saint Phalle in Escondido, California's Kit Carson Park. The garden is ringed by mosaic serpents; this serpent had a section of dalmatian jasper scales.
pumpkinsoupView of my driveway from my second floor window.
growtreesI have to admit I was stalking him just a little bit.
starbucks5721Photo taken in June 2008, in Florence, Italy, at the giardino Bardini.