Last-Minute Pathfinder Launch Party Gamefest?

Aug 12, 2009 10:06

Okay, so I started talking about plans for this weekend like a month ago, then immediately flaked out and failed to actually plan and invite folks. So, let's see if I can make anything work last-second.

As many of you know, the Pathfinder RPG Core Rules go on sale tomorrow morning, and Season 1 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign kicks off at the same time. I'd like to have a little kickoff of my own, and run some Society games this weekend.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, you can see this post of Jason's for a rave review of the last game I ran, and head on over to for more information, and to download the Guide to PFS Organized Play for even MORE information. Those of you who played in my Season 0 game will want to grab the Guide v2.0 for the Season 1 rules.

In brief, PFS games are simple adventures designed to be run in 4 hour blocks. I would be willing to run as many as 4 games this weekend if there was enough interest. In particular, if I can find at least 4 people interested in playing at least two slots, Season 1 kicks off with a 2-parter adventure.

So, the slots I'm thinking about would be Saturday, 12-4pm; Saturday, 6-10pm; Sunday 12-4pm; Sunday, 5-9pm. Obviously, I'm comfortable leaving more slack time in Saturday for people to learn the new rules and whatnot, while Sunday has a pretty firm bedtime for many people. I'm also open to having people over for rules-learning and character creation anytime Friday evening, and the weekend mornings as early as 8am.

What I need to know from you: are you interested in playing? Which time slots are you available to play in? How many slots would you be interested in playing?

I need those answers pretty quick, and I'll be in touch with you more directly to let you know what ends up getting scheduled.
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