err... hi?

Dec 26, 2006 12:41

The Good News: Nothing has actually changed in my life since the last post. So really if you just skim back through my old crap you won't need to read the rest of this
The Bad News: I'm still alive and well

Now to fill in the middle with creamy goodness like those pastries you can buy from stores that make ... pastries.

(and yes there's a really big "SO TO SPEAK" on that last statement)

Over the last couple of weeks or so I have:
- Made flyers for my band and busily distributed them around this miserable excuse for a town I call Great Falls.

- Attended two Christmas dinner functions with family members of my relatively new (about a month and a half-ish) girlfriend. It was quite hideous and served to remind me exactly how NOT ready I am to become domesticated.

*****Side Rant****** I really f--king hate christmas. It's a great big commercialized excuse to make people feel guilty if they don't buy gifts for every single person they run across in their lives. Why do you need a holiday to force you to appreciate the people you value in your personal life??? And then there's the music.... that symphony of horrid childish upbeat crap about god, jesus, santa claus, and f--king reindeer that pervades every single place I enter from halloween through a little past new years (because one month obviously isn't good enough). While all the christians put up christmas trees and signs about keeping "christ" in "christmas" -- I want to give them a copy of their bible (Jeremiah 10:2-5) and a history book for christmas. F--king speds. And when I manage to escape a store with its music I only walk out to find some moron shaking a god damn bell at me. I'm not against donating money at all - but I refuse to donate to ANY organization that gets people to annoy the shit out of me with bells. I know they're there, I don't need a freaking clanging bell to notice the person asking for money.

... okay I'm good now - let us proceed.

- Now that I've finished complaining about x-mas in the sidenote I will mention that I got some cool stuff this year and will now mention some of the notables:

+ A black christmas stocking from my mother
+ A dark green stocking with my name spelled out in safety pins from my girlfriend
+ An evil crest to hang on my wall from the Other Guy 30
+ A really smooth watch from my girlfriend (I actually hate watches and time in general - for some reason everyone looks at the lack of watch that I wear and feels compelled to buy me one - but even I have to admit -> this watch is really cool looking)

- I have been hard at work attempting to come up with a simple visual symbol to represent my band. I've come up with a few ideas but in my humble opinion they're all crap. More or less anyway. I've been attempting to use tarot cards and Qabalistic symbolism in general as inspiration but it hasn't helped much yet. Maybe I just need to use my failsafe and get trashed by myself and go into one of my depressing moods where I start creating stuff.

- My band has been making original music to mix into the torrent of Marilyn Manson tribute we did at our first show. We're looking to slowly turn into a band of originals... it's all about strategy in approaching this kind of thing ;)

That's the main stuff. Really for the most part I haven't accomplished too much between trying to finish my christmas shopping, doing stuff for/with my band and my girlfriend. I still have another week off from work as of today and am looking forward to actually accomplishing some crap now. I may have to tell my girl to f--- off for a few days while I straighten my house and take care of some shit I need to do for my band.

Screw it - peace out. And quite nudging me. Assholes.

oh yeah, and merry x-mas.

girlfriend, gifts, music, christians, band, christmas, nudge, blasphemy, x-mas

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