Jan 26, 2006 12:22
I, once again, have the internet. And not just any internet. High speed internet.
Thus, I suppose I will post, since some major stuff has happened recently, such as an interstatial-you-like-my-big-words-dont-you?-move and a huge monumental phallus of an obelisk career decision has been made...or should I say it has fallen into the place that was hidden between my childhood and the present? Meaning I have realized the dream that I have forgotten.
I am going to become an archaeologist of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man. Actually I like all of evolutionary studies, so my major will probably be biological anthropology with a focus on this period (I dont know, I have to check it out). But ironically this was the first thing I ever really wanted to be when I grew up. I didnt know whether to call it paleontology or archaeology until I was about 7, but both were relevant because I was totally obsessed with dinosaurs and ancient Egypt.
So why did I forget what I wanted in childhood, what I knew so clearly when I was small? Well, I guess it happened when I found out about the Holocaust and became obsessed with it (historian), and then later with all the occultishness that is the X-Files (politician, journalist, writer), and even later when I became anti- everything Establishment and grit-your-teeth socially conscious, the 'rooting for the underdog' creature that I am, refusing to have a career that didnt directly help humanity (doctor, professional green peace feminist, owner of homeless shelter- but that was too oppressing because obviously humans have been this way since we appeared on the evolutionary chain). Then I was lost and hopeless for a while.
But what I didnt realize is that to be a biological anthropologist is to say "Fuck tha Man" because...well... Because it's going back far enough. Because Neanderthals lived on the earth for 600,000 years and didnt disappear until 10,000 yrs or so after the humans of today appeared, realizing, mind you, that we sapiens have only been here for 40,000 yrs or so (or something like that which I will soon learn), and we have managed to singlehandedly DESTROY our earth. And also because the first human figures to appear in art made by sapiens were obese female figures, clearly signifying that they worshipped a female god, a mother earth... or if the scholars say this isnt the case, well then I'll just have to prove it to them bastards. Heh. Stick it to em.
It's all so fucking interesting. Plus, cant you see me living out of RVs, a different place every year, bein all rusticated and shit?
I'd like to send a shout out to Mom and Dad and Gramma and Pop, for giving me love and supporting me to no end. To the History channel(I love that Joshy boy from Digging for the Truth, you know ;) ), to the Science channel, to Egyptologists everywhere. And last but not least, to Jean Auel and Ayla in the Clan of the Cave Bear series. Thank you and good, er... morning.
I havent seen the sun on this side of the sky in months. LOL. It's naptime.