Oh, that's kind of boring, chu... [Suddenly, '8('.] But that's okay! I have to explore this city first anyway! Like right now! Soon! Today! In a few minutes, maybe! [So full of energy aaa]
Oh! Reading sounds kind of okay, but I can never sit down for long enough to even do it, chu! Unless I can read while I run, but I don't think I can do that without practice!
( ... )
... My name's Red. You're from Viridian?
Hiya Red!
( ... )
... I've never even heard of Pallet Town! Maybe I should go there someday if I go back home! Is it as big as Viridian and Pewter, chuuuu?
The Lab! What happens at this Lab?!
It's full of books about Pokemon and stuff. Do you have a trainer I am going to catch you so hard.
Oh! Reading sounds kind of okay, but I can never sit down for long enough to even do it, chu! Unless I can read while I run, but I don't think I can do that without practice!
( ... )
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