Jun 24, 2010 13:48
sports, arrival, and then sbg is doomed, and then amp's pc is doomed, pikaaaaaa~!
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Well, I'd never even seen a Pokemon either until I came here. That was only a week ago.
Let's see how much interest there would be if there isn't one already. I'd love to see some games going on.
Okay, chu!
I think a lot of people are gonna like the idea! Soccer's fun! So exciting! So much fun! Yeah!
Hey now, don't go and spend all that energy before the game.
Don'tcha ever worry! I've got lots of energy! Plenty! I'm not running out of juice yet!
You don't mean the region of Japan, do you? I would have noticed if there were creatures like you running around!
[lol no idea 8|]
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