Mili! Mili! I found a lot of huge clothes in my room, chu! I don't know where they came from, but... all of my clothes are missing now! Pi? Is it 'New Clothes Day' at the school? These are too big for me except for the hats! I like the hats, though, chu! They fit just fine!
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[And lo, our Heroic Pokemon Master freezes like a deer in headlights. HOW DID... OH NO...
And then he stares. And stares. FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE FOREVER TO HIM (5 seconds). Until he dives for cover behind the nearest piece of furniture and holds out said clothes.]
... The rest are over there. [Point. Cry on the inside.]
[She then walked off, seemingly getting the rest of her clothes. She hadn't yet left, though.
There she was, peeking under said furniture.]
What's wrong, though, chu?! [I SWEAR THIS IS TOTALLY INNOCENT]
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