When was the last time I posted in here? SERIOUSLY, WHEN? Oh, the 11th. OF NOVEMBER.
Yeah, because Novemeber and December, somehow, have given me A LIFE.
A life which now must be expressed in caps lock. So, lemme see, what have you guys missed between now and then:
a) the writing of two essays and a lot of 'what the fuck is a research proposal and why am I writing one?' that was MOST of November. I got 65s on the research proposal and my Khrushchev essay, which is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I'm not going to get the essay on the Soviet Union and the GDR back until Paul Madrell resurfaces from hunting former Stasi members in East Germany his leave-of-absence.
b) Talking of leaves-of-absence. Paul Madrell disappearing led to CRAZY SEMINARS OF DOOM. Oh, and five day weekends. Basically, because there weren't enough staff to run our seperate seminars, we had these massive seminars of FIFTY PEOPLE on Tuesdays. Normally with two lecturers. Who normally spent most of the seminar bitching at each other and playing stupid jokes like playing
THIS (watch it, it's hilarious. And totally not what he's actually saying in Russian at all) behind the other's head whilst he's trying to talk.
c) We had an MUN conference here! In Aberystwyth! I was chairing a committee and ended up being Pakistan (remember how I was discussing how we were going to destroy Pakistan? It's hard to do when Pakistan doesn't turn up, so I filled in). OH. And then there was the Saturday Night of Absinthe and Tequila. YES. Absinthe and Tequila. Washed down with about six pints.
I was surprised I was still standing too, but when Killian and Marius are buying... you don't say no.
d) CRISIS GAMES. The UN team kicked ass. We averted nuclear war after a nuclear bomb had been set off. Because we're that Awesome with a capital A. Basically. It went down a bit like this. The Taliban managed to steal some Pakistani nuclear material. spent fuel rods. But it was a rogue, Pakistani intelligence secret plot to get their hostages back. They destroyed the vehicle with the nuclear material and got to be very smug about the whole thing. We came to an agreement to let IAEA inspectors in to look at all their nuclear facilities for security and bidness. THE GODS FOUND A LOOPHOLE. Because we hadn't looked at military security, they had the Taliban STEAL A WHOLE PLANE WITH A NUCLEAR DEVICE. Yeah. Unsurprisingly, despite our efforts against it, said device was set off in Afghanistan.
BUT. Then we got everyone to sign a nice 'we will not invade and will respect the borders of each other's states and only attack non-state actors' agreement in the midst of nuclear chaos. And got everyone to help clear stuff up and re-build and it was all fluffy. Well, aside from Italy turning into a fascist state, but we got a fun peace treaty which won us BEST MOVE. Oh yes.
Oh, and James Vaughan and Alistair Finlan kept trying to get me drunk. Or...get us all drunk. Free pints ftw.
e) I've been applying for a masters at the College of Europe. Which means trips chasing after transcripts and bothering Martin Alexander and general... ness. There's been a lot of painful writing about myself in 4000 characters, too. BUT. The College of Europe rocks and BELGIUM. C'mon, BELGIUM. :D
erin_giles for all sorts of collective insanity. ALL SORTS.
Toodles and goodnight.