Now show me the world as seen from the stars.

Mar 06, 2008 14:15

So, I've had a fun day so far.

Ambled through a seminar on Spanish and regional politics today. Actually got to shout 'GRAMSCI!' in context, which is always fun.

Last night, after much deliberation, I filled in my application for McGill. Which was exciting, even if it didn't get the fact that I had only gone to 'high school' for two years. It's rather difficult to explain our WHOLE ARSING EDUCATION SYSTEM (well, at all) to a machine. But I muddled my way through that bit. Then there was the 'reason you want to go to McGill' (one word: WILSON) fiasco.

Then, there was 2am Torchwood. And it was crack-fucking-tastic. Oh, Ianto in a wedding dress. XP So amused. Even if we did have to shout at it to get it to work.

This morning, I got a reply and id number from McGill, which I then had to forward to Elaine, who thanked me for being so quick. *is smug*

Then I buggered off to have coffee with Roxsie in the arts centre. With bacon bagels (mmm, mmmm MMMMMMMMMMMM). Except we saw two guys come in with Guardian mugs. *eyes widen* Roxsie goes over and pesters them. Turns out they're giving them away with the paper!!! FREE MUGS. and they're the big, 'I could lose my face in this' type.

Whilst we were there, we ran off to vote in the elections. I should have gone RON across the board, I really should. Mmm, student politics.

In the name of World Book Day? Or possibly in the name of 'feeling productive when actually you've done fuck all for a week', we went and bought some books. I got one on Kim Jong Il and nuclear weapons and such for my warstratintel (yes, that fancy german word) essay.

After a short trip to the co-op, we came back and had hot chocolate with whipped cream and all sorts of fun things.

Course, now I actually have to start these essays and do something constructive. Tonight. I WILL do it tonight. I WILL. I can't keep putting this off. Plan is - plan tonight, get books tomorrow or the weekend, read - start writing on wednesday - go get more/better books on the last saturday before I head home. It better bloody work.

Now, quickly! To my seminar!

throwing away my student loan, university, apathy burns, politics love

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