Apr 29, 2005 09:43
Yay! School is finally over, and let me tell u that is such a relief! Well, yesterday was supposed to be a study day, but of course with swimming the whole day is practically planned out for you. So get up early, swim and then Misty and I went to get some chick-fil-a BREAKFAST, AWESOME! I have been wanting that forever! Anyway then I had a meeting with Scott, we talked about this summer and new coaches.. we came to the conclusion, that I will prolly only swim once a day and work too along with classes. After this I slept until like 4 and went to look at the apt. im liviing in this summer. im really excited. the room is big and the girls are nice. Im glad everything is finally figured out with that. And then we had a really great banquet at the Fulmer's house!! It was great to see dan and jamie again. Also on a bright note.. i've been hanging out with "andrew" a lot lately and its been fun! i feel bad that i hurt brent and i haven't talked to him in a few days. i feel like i really hurt him on saturday and i was scared he wasn't going to talk to me, but its cool now. oh well, i guess this is all for the best. im glad that tim and i are also on good terms and he calls if we haven't talked in like a week to see what's up. this way is so much better, not being around him while are drinking or actually not much at all. that was such a complicated situation. im just really happy all of this worked out bc i WAS SO STRESSED out and didn't know what to do. i'm really now just not getting attached to people and it works out much better for me! and also dont worry about stupid stuff! i think the last incident with tim really got me thinking and when you re-evaluate you can change some things in your life, and make it the way you want (and actually find someone who cares). Anyway the stupid stuff I was stressing about .. and apartment, school, boys and life in general is all ok now. and all i have to do is study and my grades will be fine, all I have to do is get a B on the accounting final.. then they will be fine! oh, we got our SEC gifts which are portable DVD players. so while driving to brittany's house tiff and i watched 'what women want' DVD in my car!! SWEET! Anyway, im going to head out so i can get some studying done, possibly take a nap before i have swim practice again! talk to u guys later :).