Oct 30, 2005 18:38
Today hasn't been too bad for a Sunday. Work wasn't too busy. Spent most of the day cleaning and all that fun stuff. After work I came home and ate dinner and watched the Lions lose not a big shock their. Now the lions have to hope that the Bears suck for a few games and the Lions win some big games. But we will see what happens with that.
Played with my Nephew a lot after dinner. I love that kid. He's crazy and likes to jump on me and play with my belly button. I have no idea why but he just does. Kinda weird but hey its my nephew so its OK.
Found out some good news at work today about that girl that I think is cute. She has been asking people about me and I guess she wants to go to the Mall with me, Kevin, and his girl. So we will see what happens with this one. IM just not going to get my hopes up.
I got invited to go play some football today but we ate late so I couldn't go. Maybe I will be able to make it next week.
My boss must have been on his period today or something because he was in a bad mood all day. I asked him if he needed a hug and that made him laugh a little.
Ring of Honor show on Friday at the state fair grounds. Anyone want to go?
Its been weird the past few days with football being over. Now I have too much time on my hands. I guess I just have to get ready for next year.
The hoddies for football should be done this week. I hope the guy has them done by Thursday so I can give them to the kids during our Pizza party.
Weight room on Tuesday. I am going to try to get back into football shape. I know IM crazy but I need to lose a little weight.
Boone called me this weekend. We played phone tag and I didn't get to talk to him. He was home for the weekend I guess.
I got a drunk phone call from Bill last night. It was pretty funny and that was my first drunk call in a long time.
Time to go play some ps2 so IM out for now.