Ichimaru Gin :: Profile.

Apr 24, 2008 11:00


According to the Global Database, Ichimaru Gin doesn't exist and never did. Try to find a digital trail on him -- bank statements, social security number, birth certificate -- and you'll come up empty. His history was erased a long time ago, back when they first plucked him off the streets in New Honshu, DNA tagged him, and put a sword in his hand. He can't recall anymore what his first holder looked like anymore, just that it was him and a dozen other kids shoved in a small windowless box for days at a time. The outside world was gone but for the jostle of traffic and the sounds of passing trams. And when they did let them out, it was the sword again and bright lights from above. Blood, metal, and the roar of cheers.

Ikorose, that's what it was called, and it was a spectator sport in the grittier parts of town back then. A low-cost, high-yield way for the local rackets to make some money and for rich folks to get their kicks. The concept was simple enough -- take a handful of street kids that nobody'll miss, put them in shock-collars, give them swords and stick them in a hole until only one of them is left standing.

Gin, who was spindle-thin but agile and whip-quick for his age, proved to be good at ikorose early on, and the more battles he won, the more concessions his handler gave him. Soon he found himself passed to another handler, and then to another and then another, each slightly richer and more influential than the last. The more he wallowed in the blood of his old box companions, the more he cut them before the decisive blow, the more the crowds loved him. Women screamed and men wept for joy, and Gin learned that the more vicious and cruel he was with his sword, the sooner he might find his way to freedom.


And then, one day, it happened. The box became a room, and his keeper was no longer a handler, but a sensei. A man of amazing strength, will and ambition, who managed to eclipse every other person in Gin's world then and since. He showed Gin the way of the blade and taught him how to increase his potential without the use of genetic modification or bio-enhancements. Under the man's tutelage, Gin perfected the art of death and learned how to bend the will of other men through deception and his savage smile.

"Aizen-taichou" is what Gin called him, because he allowed himself to be willingly commanded by him. Aizen-taichou's desire for power was intoxicating, and Gin lived to bask in his cunning manipulations, watching the machinations of his mind played out amongst the people like puppets on a stage.

But then, as quickly as it had all began, it suddenly stopped.

"You will go Reggio Calabria," Aizen-taichou had told Gin one evening, pushing a case across the table towards him, "and you will find the rising son of the Monacello family. I want you to serve him." Gin frowned at the order. "I want you to do this for me.”

Gin grit his teeth and forced himself smiled. He had lived up until this point to serve his sensei. He had no choice now but to obey.


Ichimaru Gin joined Don Monacello's ranks before he ascended to the don-ship, and started out as a giovane d'onore -- an outsider. He quickly rose in the ranks after proving his skill and loyalty to the young Don, saving his life on one occasion during assassination attempt. He proceeded to hunt down and kill the would-be assassin, disemboweling him and bringing back the hand that had shot at the Don as proof. He serves the Don loyally as a tribute to Aizen-taichou, and has come recognize some of his old sensei's ambition and ruthlessness in his new master.


Gin is known in the Monacello's ranks for his quick blade and the sadistic ways he carries out some of the simplest of orders. Because of this, some of the younger soldiers are often sent out with Gin when he runs errands to test their nerve. Also, when people are to be made examples of, the Don usually turns to Gin for his flare for the dramatic.

In keeping with his training with Aizen-taichou, Gin has refused offers and suggestions to enhance himself with artificial implants and bio-stimulants. His main weapon is a tech-altered wakizashi (contained in the case given to him by Aizen-taichou upon his leaving), which he carries with him at all times in a hilt at his side. When sealed, it looks like any normal wakizashi. However, when activated, the blade can shoot out to an amazing length and pierce through flesh and metal at a distance. The blade can also widen at will, effectively becoming a shield, which can easily deflect bullets and certain particle beams.

Gin affectionately calls his short sword "Shinsou", and has been known to talk to it when working.
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