"Shadow Hearts" Dream

Apr 30, 2006 13:00

Hey, guys, I had a really weird dream last night (as always). But this time, it had Shadow Hearts in it. It was really weird.

Whenever I have a Shadow Hearts-related dream, a part of it always takes place at night in a huge dark mausoleum and the characters fight corpses and ghosts (sort of like in Apoina Tower). Anyway, I only saw Yuri and I then the dream switched to him fighting some huge sea monster boss on an evil ghost ship. After he beat it, the ship began to disappear and sink while a deep red sun rose. After that, Yuri was standing on the shore, looking up and he said (his mouth wasn't moving, I could only hear his voice echoing in the dream, like a narration, and there were subtitles),

"The time has come and it's up to us. May The Covenant rise up once again, and we help find that old man's grandson."

Totally OOC for Yuri, right! Then he started walking down the shore, kicking the waves as he went along and "said",

"Hopefully, I can find some damn wallets with addresses in it to find them or something!"

I remember laughing in the dream after that line because it was like ("Okay, THERE'S Yuri!"). Anyway, Yuri suddenly stopped and looked at the water. My dream suddenly switched to underwater. A weird silver robotic spider crab (probably about the size of a really large plate) was walking slowly on the sand bank underwater where Yuri was looking. It picked up something square-shaped and brown from the seafloor and was taking it away. Yuri ran, jumped on the robot spider (killing it) and picked up the brown object. It was a wallet and on the outside, there were some letters. He couldn't make it out, but then he took out a magnifying glass (weird, huh?) and inspected the letters closely. It was a name and in my dream, through the magnifying glass, I could see these letters of the name -- "--fitte--".

Yuri then stood up, shook the wallet, and said, "Now, we're talking!"

And that's it! Pretty cool and weird, huh?

~ * Jen * ~
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