I'm learning that pregnancies are not the same the hard way. I was told that since Richi came to the world at 37weeks I would probably expect the same with Julian. Oh god was I wrong!
I'm 40 weeks in two days and still very pregnant very tired and gigantic!
Tomorrow I have and ob/gyn appoinment to see how things are moving but the last two check ups have shown that Julian is in not hurry, everyone jokes that he really wants to be July baby because his name is Julian not Junian.
Today was also Richi's last day of school they did a mini graduation from my first year at school thing
They also sent the school yearbooks
You can see how much he has changed in a year.
Because of baby Julián being born (sometime this week I hope!) and per the psychologist suggestion Richi is attending a July summer camp, his little friend Leo was enrolled at the same place so they would not feel alone as is in a all year around day care (owned by my cousin actually). I had never been there before even when is just 2 blocks from my parents house, but now that I have seen it the idea of sending Julian there when he's a 9months old doesn't seem that bad, Richi stayed with nannies till he was 15months old but I'm not sure what we are gonna do this time around.
Well I hope everyone is well, I'll try to catch up with your journals once the baby is here.