Jan 27, 2021 14:30

Fragment from an interview with Grigori Grabovoi, which was conducted by Larisa Bochanova as part of her journalistic investigation.

"In Defense. Journalistic investigation of criminal case No. 376062 against G.P. Grabovoi"

Text: Larisa Bochanova

(Interview with G.P. Grabovoi) / 2007-03-20

Materials of the journalistic investigation were published on the website -

THE BOOK IS PUBLISHED BY THE LINK (the book can be downloaded):

"Correspondent: Many do not understand that you insert into the concept of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Grigori Grabovoi: I have already defined this: that the essence of the Second Coming now is to convey the Knowledge that a person owns himself personally. That is, to transfer the knowledge of God to a man so that a man possesses the knowledge of salvation, in which connection, including eternal development. And therefore, in fact, it is written about it even in my books, that the meaning of the Second Coming is the transfer of that Knowledge, which, already further, the person himself owns and controls.

And, by the way, the [criminal] investigation poses the main obstacle just from my side: I say, or my supporters, that KNOWLEDGE IS TRANSMITTED. But the investigation is trying to impose: that this is not Knowledge, but there must be a real result - that a person should not learn."


The full text of the interview is published here:


Comments on this excerpt from the interview.

Currently, there is a kind of inharmonious informational repetition (not always, but there is a lot of it): people come to groups that spread the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, and they want to immediately have a result, without making any effort. That is, many people immediately ask the number series to cure some disease, not understanding the meaning of the number sequence and the use of numbers in the Teaching, or they want to have a lot of money, as it were, according to any formula from the Teaching, without even trying to understand something.

Let's look at such groups on the Internet and see confirmation of my words.

And after all, people sincerely believe that someone must necessarily give them numbers and formulas so that they write it, for example, "on a bottle of water", and the result will happen by itself (it will fall from heaven, it will come from the Universe, and so on). This consumerist position (without training) puts such people immediately into the category of opposition.

This may seem like a harsh analysis, but unfortunately this is what we see on the group pages.

People must learn by themselves!!! The Author of the Teachings constantly speaks about this, this is the main meaning of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ: it is THE TRANSFER OF KNOWLEDGE. The texts of KNOWLEDGE are given and published; everyone can take them.

Knowledge has been transferred to all of us, this part of the Mission has been completed. A person not only has to take this Knowledge, he must understand, assimilate, apply and pass on. If a person does not transfer Knowledge, the chain of transfer of Knowledge is interrupted...  
This chain is explicitly interrupted, but then knowledge is transmitted in a different way. It's just that it's a little slower than it can be through verbal communication.


Antonina Kravtsova

I thank Larisa Bochanova for the opportunity to use these unique materials after so many years.

grabovoi g.p., education program, journalists, information, macro salvation, god, teaching of grigori grabovoi, self-education, man, water, second coming of christ, knowledge, harmony, real salvation

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