Concentrations from the book of Grigori Grabovoi UNIFIED SYSTEM OF KNOWLEDGE from 22:00 to 23:00

Nov 04, 2020 19:16

  • for the night  22:00   - 22:03
    Before going to bed, let us say for three days, we   mentally set up the information that in future you focus your attention with   the simultaneous aim of solving the problem. You should not concentrate the   attention itself on purpose, you should not to look at the finger. But you must   take a decision that your attention will be focused on the very finger for   three days from 10.00 p.m. to 10.03 p.m.
concentrating on the little finger of his right hand from 10.00 p.m. to 10.03 p.m.
  • 22:02   - 22:04
    We should not deny the possibility of restoration of tissue structure removed surgically or through trauma.
    Let's follow the path of full recovery, and consider this area to be in canonical form, as a completely restored full structure. There is attention concentration for solving this problem.
    2. The second element is the concentration on calling to mind colors: pink, yellow, green, red, blue, purple. You pick up the colors and mentally begin to go over them.
    The most stable one - focus on it for five minutes. This is your training. It restores the scope of the required events in the future.
1. Focus on the forefinger of your right hand from 10.02 p.m. to 10.04 p.m., i.e. for two minutes, envisaging the results you need.
  • 22:00   - 22:17
    You concentrate once and there is a kind of doublespace created, and then you concentrate on the same finger for the second time. Thus you obtain a   system of duplication. You have two informative areas corresponding to one hand. The first area that really exists is one thing. You enter the information about the second area, while creating its matrix simultaneously, and start creating the tissue.
    This is   the technology of tissue creation.
concentration of attention on the right forefinger from 10.00 p.m. to   10.17 p.m.
  • 22:00 - 23:00
    It is the system of controlling events at any level, the canonization of events at any level. I give bound to your problem and in terms of your knowledge. The disease is one of your problems. You formulate any problem and act, which means you control. Additional recipe: (a system of small  concentrations)
    - 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort; …
you look forward with your inner eye. You see the   object of information corresponding to a rainbow. You have to tune in the entire   visible color spectrum.
  • 22:00 - 22:05
    This concentration is the concentration of the closed cycle, that is,   diagnostic concentration, conducted as the need arises.
    …and see as if with your inner eye that there are some cut short segments   extending from them upward. You may visualize hands arbitrary -here your   imagination works. Imagination is the system controlling the structure. You   feel mentally, as these segments move, intersect. They can move very   dynamically in different directions. Where they intersect, memorize this   point (the segment that coming from the right thumb intersects with the   segment coming from the left thumb). They obligatory intersect for about a   second. So, if you concentrate for 4   seconds, you can already control four organs.
Concentration of attention on the hands and feet from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05 p.m.
While focusing on the hands and feet, you look at the thumbnails
  • 22:00 - 22:07
    In   addition, there is a matrix form of   division horizontally, i.e. a perpendicular to the vertical axis of a person.   There some cells appear. They are open on two sides. The principle of cognition of man from this perspective is the   penetration into the cells by consciousness from face side and exit through the other side. When you   pass through each of the cells (they can be broken up to one million), you   can find links between the various structures.
You rest and research a man.
(You are at rest and are engaged in research of the person).
  • 22:03 - 22:04      1 min
    …compression of information happens according to the level of compression   depending on the drug. It is   important for you to transfer the structure of compression to the level of   creative compression. When compression is positive decisions in life. To   canonize future events. Let him work, earn money, regardless of drug use. You   need to replace the input source. To put in the source of typical life on the   side of infinity. You should introduce the source of typical life from the   side of infinity.
the concentration of attention on the index fingers from 10.03   10.04 p.m. (for 1 minute).
Training: 5 days of concentration, break for 1 day, 5 more days of concentration.
  • 22:00 - 22:05
    The structure of the intersections of past and future events has been   formulated, if we take the parallelepiped in the area of the thyroid gland. Its shape is changed.
    …then it is the projection of this structure on the outer sphere, and the   borders of the sphere begin to improve. That is, in fact, focus on the   fingers at this time let you control the situation in the future. The   perspective of this method is based on the fact that knowing the time and   place of concentration of attention, you can control the situation.
    The system of   spheroidal thinking is a process of the most rapid information processing and   exchange of information. Compensation of   information structures occurs when, for example, this sphere provides a   greater rate of exchange of information than the system of planar structures,   such as the layerness inside the parallelepiped.
focus on the fingers, for example, the index ones from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05 p.m
  • 22:05   - 22:10
    Method of controlling the   structure of the gastrointestinal tract and cerebrospinal fluid
    You can   do something, keep the conversation going, but always keep track of these two   fingers.
    This course is mean for cognition. The information   of this course, going from general areas to specific and particular systems,   develops the spiritual, logical and irrational level of creative control.
1. Restoration of self-consciousness.
2. The system of concentration of attention from 10.05 p.m. to 10.10 p.m. at index fingers.
  • 22:00 - 22:05
    In order to develop irrational vision.
    In fact,   the subcortical brain is being activated. This is one of the elements. That is,   many issues can be solved by means of a system of concentration and specific   answers will come. You have access to information.
you should practice concentration on your feet from 10.00 p.m. to 10.05   p.m.
  • 22:00   - 22:17
    In the right little finger there is the minus factor structure. This is   the structure of descending events in terms of density, length distribution.   The little finger of the left hand is the structure of increasing events   according to the unified aspects. The source is the little finger of the left   hand, input is the little finger of the right hand.
    Between these fingers there is a part of the segment, which could   potentially be used by you for control. It is necessary to find this   informative arc.
    You can control the situation   based on any informative source. That is, you perceive things and can use the   theory in order to understand how to control it.
It is necessary to concentrate attention from 10.00 10.17 p.m. at the little fingers of your hands. At the same time it is necessary to try to visualize an arc closing up the little fingers at the level of consciousness.
  • 22:17   - 22:20
    In order to visualize the sphere, in order to   understand it deeper it is necessary to understand the way the cross flow   happens.
    In order to control this   structure, you transfer this information to the level of the arc (preferably   the bottom arc). Look at the way the events happened. Try to guess the   cause-effect relationships of your condition and those events. We can analyze   any other informative structure in the same way.
    In human beings it occurs   through a system of remote primary signals. This is one of the points of view   on a man. They are located within the radius of 7-10 meters from a man.
    When you want to understand   how to convert the impulse going to the direction of the arc, it is necessary   to concentrate on this distance. Listen to yourself from 10.17 p.m. to 10.20   p.m. (listen and watch with your inner eye).
    When you have some opinion,   then try to formulate the opinion on one of the angles of the arc. Either on   the top or on the bottom. The upper is consciousness, the lower is implicit   processes.
Listen to yourself from 10.17 p.m. to 10.20 p.m.
  • 22:17   - 22:22
    To enter   the area of information in an intermediate form, there is also a specific training.
    If you   improved at least one elementary substance, one cell, you have improved it   all over. Therefore,   improvement in one area always results in improvement everywhere, and it   happens through a corresponding improvement of all the links in the process   of work.
from 10.17 p.m. to 10.22 p.m. Concentrate on the right index finger  
  • 22:17   - 22:27
    the receptors of the thyroid gland manifest   themselves in the form of static sources. Exactly in these tissues, thumbs   and index fingers and in halluces. These receptor tissue characteristics,   such as receptors-emitters manifest themselves in these volumetric tissues.
    When you concentrate, you simultaneously send all   these rays.
    The structure of control of the thyroid gland is recurring rays,   originating in different cells, in different organs. Scanning occurs at   measurements. For these rays to work normally, it is necessary to canonize   the information, to lead to rectilinear rays, going to different organs   straight from the physical center of the thyroid gland.
to hold concentration on index fingers and thumbs of the hands and feet from 10.17 p.m. to 10.27 p.m.  
  • 22:45   - 22:47
    The way the green color is formed, the way it   changes, the way it moves in a hidden world, and what form of information   corresponds to the green. That is, it is the structure of the study.
    If we consider such a structure as a disease, information on disease, information on an undesirable development of event, - then this is dynamic information.
    Control is the ability to opportunely understand the   time point at which you should get to control. The system is such that you   can proceed to the control of high-speed version in statics as well. It suffices to find a system of concentration on the subcortex. Since the subcortex is an area not visualized by a physical vision, then an   approximating structure on the organs is given. These are index fingers of   hands.
These are index fingers of hands. Concentration from 10.45 p.m. to 10.47 p.m., for two minutes. The concentration plus the dynamics of the green color. It is not imagining the green color, but so-called concept of the dynamics of the green.  
  • before bedtime
    Any deviation from the white in your sleep, without   the excessive waste of mental energy (no complications in your sleep) can lead to health monitoring.
    (Monitoring itself is the   solution to a problem). Control   is already a solution to the problem.
    If we   study the body against the structure of white, then any change of information   of an organism is of other colors.
Before you go to bed, concentrate attention on the right ear lobe and tune in to the system of perception of white.
  • Develop your spirit.
    You feel your cervical spine up to the thoracic   spine. That is, at least understand it geometrically. You just take a   starting point, and there you concentrate your attention, and then begin to   see this area again. This is a system of a greater process objectification.
    Saw in real life what has been achieved and how long   it took. Again, held the system of adaptation, correlation of your knowledge.   This path can be very rapid. The advantage of the consciousness is that the   process can be tracked actually uninterruptedly.
It is desirable to concentrate more in the area of the cervical spine.

November 4, 2020
The concentrations is selected from the book and shown by Antonina Kravtsova

Unified system of knowledge

attention, concentration, fingers, grigori grabovoi

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