if you do this i'll love you forever =D
1. What is my full name? (first, middle, and last)
2. Where was I born?
3. When is my birthday?
4. How old am I?
5. How many pets do I have and what are they?
6. How many siblings do I have and who are they?
7. What is my eye color?
8. What is my hair color?
9. How tall am I?
My Favortites
1. Color:
2. TV show:
3. Movie
Read more... )
2. Where was I born? beaumont?
3. When is my birthday? april 15
4. How old am I? 14
5. How many pets do I have and what are they? 1? i know you have a dog
6. How many siblings do I have and who are they? 1 spencer
7. What is my eye color? blueish
8. What is my hair color? brown
9. How tall am I? umm prob between 5'4-5'6
My Favortites
1. Color: blue?
2. TV show: laguna beach
3. Movie: the notebook
4. Food: mexican food
5. Day of the week: saturday
6. Season: summer
7. Game: volleyball
8. Thing to do when I have nothing else to do: hang out with friends
9. Holiday: christmas
10. Hobby: sports
11. Sport:volleyball
12. Person:me ;P
Other Questions
1. How long have we known eachother? since 7th grade
2. How long have we been friends? since 7th grade
3. What was your first impression of me? she seems nice
4. When you saw me, did you think I was popular or dorky? neither...i need more then an impression to decide
5. What is the funniest thing I ever said to you? haha idk there's been lots of stuff
6. What is the stupiedest thing I ever said to you? haha idk
7. When was a time I really annoyed you? N/A...you already know i don't want to say lol
8. When was a time you had fun with me? your party
9. When was a time I was really down in dumps? a couple weeks ago...that i know of
10. When was a time I was on cloud nine? what's cloud nine?
11. What is my best quality? how you are shine and seem inocent lol...it's very mysterious
12. What is my best feature? your hair
13. Have you ever been jealous of me, if so when? umm i don't think so and if i ever have it might of been during sports but idk
14. Are you currently jealous of me in any way, if so why? nope
15. Have you ever wanted to be in my shoes for any moment, if so when? umm idk
16. What is something you think I take for granted? N/A
17. What is something you know is important to me? you friends
18. Do you think I have ever been in love, if so with who? no
19. Who is someone I hate? me? ha idk
20. Who do you think is my best friend? emma
21. Who do you think I will marry? yes
22. Who will be my maid of honor at my wedding? hmm idk depends on who you are friends with...but right now haha emma
23. How old do you think I will be when I get married? not sure
24. Am I...
-nice yes
-funny can be
-caring yes
-understanding at times
-pretty yes
-ugly no
-weird no
-interesting everyone is
-confusing " "
-a good friend yeah
-smart yes
-stupid no
-hott i'm not a lesbian...haha jk sure
25. Can you come to me for advise? um idk i never really have
26. What is the best advise I ever gave you? " "
27. What is the best advise you could give me? depends on the situation
28. Have I always been there for you? no...but you have at times
29. Do you think I always will be there for you? idk
30. If you were describing me to someone else, what would you tell them? depends on what they want to know
31. What song reminds you of me? her name was lola she was a showgirl ahaha idk
32. What do you think my #1 wish is? you can't say wishes outloud or they wont come true so i don't want to guess and be right and ruin it for you
33. Do you regret doing or saying anything to me in the past, if so what? yes...idk but i regret saying something about everyone
34. Have a secret confession to make to me? no
35. Do you love me? yes...i love all of my friends no matter what
there ya go
5. How many pets do I have and what are they? 1? i know you have a dog
..i don't have a dog, loser i'm allergic ;]
7. When was a time I really annoyed you? N/A...you already know i don't want to say lol
..oh gosh..i know exactly what you're talking about =X
16. What is something you think I take for granted? N/A
..what is it?
..oh gosh..i know exactly what you're talking about =X
^yeah...=/ w/e i'm not gonna say i'm over it cuz i'm not but there's nothing i can do except to sit back and wait to get everything back
16. What is something you think I take for granted? N/A
..what is it?
..thats not what i was talking about but whatever
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