Jan 22, 2005 12:29
i went 1st took TSIs it was boring yesturdays was hard! and returned another book lol ms. herrick is gettin mad @ me 4 reading all her book so yea hahahaha! ok 2nd i hav an A!!! math is so hard! and i accomplished it i feel so happy! ok the 3rd i hav the koolest teacher i hope she stays this time im learning sooo much n this wekk and so yea way more than i ever learned w/ ms. valentin sooo yea she suked just so u kno!! ok well then lunch hung out w/ amanda and ray which iz alwayz fun!then 4th chemistry me and amanda who was my lab partner made salt lol. so yea lol we picked HCl + NaOH which produces NaCl + H2O it was kool we boiled the NaCl and water the water evaporated and left NaCl which is table salt and then to see if we really produced NaCl we took AgCl and poured it into the NaCl and if it turned into a milky white liquid we produced it and we did!! i was sooo happy b/c we got 2 design our own expirements and they worked! so yea 5th was fun talked 2 the teacher hez cool and fun 2 make fun of and watched a movie. 6th period sang like always lol. also after skool came home then went and sang the national anthem did really good and so yea im singing wednesday 4 wrestling. which is really kool and so yea lets c wut else. hung out w/ jared watched the secret window awesome movie!well im goin 2 go ttyl byez.