Aug 16, 2004 20:28
WOW today was AMAZing! THe day at school was fun, i only had 3 classes and they were spanish 2, English 2 and weight training! it was an easy day! The plus out of it all was that we got out at 12:15, but after 3rd period we had to sit in hmrm for 1 hour and listen to our dean read the rules out of the handbook and since i heard the rules last year, it was kinda boring! i mean BORING! But then after school i went to the froshie volleyball practice cause i am their student trainer this year! it will be alot of fun, since i know like 4 girls on the teaM! they are all really nice and they are all scared of me since i am a SoPhoMorE! lol i thought it was funny, so during their practice i got all my hw done and then i had the rest of the day to do nothing but chilL! me and my lil bro wanted to go to the gym but my mom had to go in and work at the Urgent Care, so we had to take the ALEX bus, it was interesting, well then we worked out and it felt good even though i work out everyday! haha! but we had to ride the bus home too and it was good until it started raining while we were waiting, it felt so good, i could've ran home rather than waiting for the bus, but i had to stay with my bro and he wanted to ride the bUS! i can't wait till i get to DRIVE! it will be AWESOME! ttyl later have an awesome week cause i know i will, this year will kick ASS!