Mar 31, 2006 12:09

ok... it's time for a real update on my life, or at least this past week, haha

This past week has been AMAZING!!! Every Sunday after volleyball practice, Kelli, Chad(asst. coach), and I go out for dessert. This week we went to Applebees, and Chad knows this guys who works there, and is friends with him. So we sit in his section, and so we start talking with him and I find out he's a Christian and has a great group of Christian guy friends! :) Smile for Krystal. haha. And Kelli and I are talking to Chad about relationships and boys and me and my "anti-boy/non-social" "problem", which is not really a problem at all, cause I just haven't met the right type of guys to hang out with. And Chad calls up one of his friends, Mike who is 20, and talks to him about taking me out sometime, so that I can go out with a solid Christian tall (6'3") guy. haha. So I have a date sometime soon, lol. So that night after sitting in Applebees for 3.5 hours til 11ish, we went over to Ben's (our server at Applebee's) and hung out with him and a few other guys for a few hours, it was a ton of fun!!! And then on wednesday night we went up to the school to play volleyball after church with some of the girl who are gonna be playing with us next year, and Ben and Tyler (Ben's roommate) came up to play with us. Afterwards, I went Chad, Ben, and Tyler to Steak and Shake, yum! And then Mike (yup, the same Mike Chad talked to about taking me out) and Brandon showed up. So we were all just chillin, and I have to say it was a wee bit awkward for me, but oh well. So there I was the only girl with 5 other guys, I must say the conversations they had were hilarious!!! Guys are great! lol. Then after Steak and Shake, 1am, we went to this 24 hours doughnut shop called Sweetwaters, and we went and hung out there for a while, til 2am-ish. It was so much fun! Then I finally got home and went to sleep. haha. Then last night, Thursday night, was a blast! I went and hung out at Ben's with Ben, Tyler, Mike, Dave, Brandon, Chad, and Emily (Tyler's GF) and we watched King Kong, not a good movie, but oh well. Then after the movie we played Euchre. lol. Then we went to Denny's at like I don't even know what time and stayed there for a while. There were these guys who were apparently staring at me up and down, they were sitting in the both behind me (I was at a table in the middle) so Chad and Mike devised a plan to make me switch seats to try and block their view of me from the dirty older guys. So I had no idea what was going on and we switched seats, and then they told me what was going on. I noticed that they kept looking at me, I was like ewwww!! So I zipped up my jacket all the way and Mike gave me his hat and I tried to put it over my face, but it wouldn't stay, so I just wore it.... and yeah, those nasty old guys kept staring at me like I was some type of juicy deer they were trying to get, yuck! Why do people have to be so gross! Yeah, ok, their plan in the switching of seats was for Mike to try and sit across from me to block their view, plan failed. lol. So we just kept playing Euchre and yeah. Ok. We finally left Denny's and went back to Sweetwaters, and just hung out there again for a while, then we went to Meijer's and I did attempted to do an army crawl from one aisle to the next, it was a short aisle. lol. It hurt, and it took the nail polish off of my big toes, haha. Then we finally left there, and went back to Ben's apartment, where I left from after figuring out that I left my keys in the ignition earlier. haha. Good thing I keep a spare in my purse! So I got home at like 3:30am-ish and finally got to bed at like 4:15ish... it was a great night!

I am so blessed by God to finally have good Christian friends here. God is so amazing!

ok... enough typing of this probably boring entry, but that has been what is happening in my life, and I'm so excited to see what God has planned for me next!


ok. Peace!
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