Dec 02, 2005 19:14
hey yall♥
got home took a showa...
called nicole asked if she wanted to come ova...
she couldnt then she asked her madre if i could come
ova then her moomy said yes
so i is headin to nicoleS CRIBB tonight=)
like at 9:45 tho...
i have no plans yet sat.--sun. so if u wanna hang ouTT
gimme a call!
house numba tho bcus mii daddy took mii
cell up bcus obviously in his choice of words...
n yes mii dad cusses...aloT!
so he goes u r actin like a lil bitch!
n i was like ok w.e.!
haha n i prob. was to him cus he got annoying afta awhile...
but yeah well gimme a call at 663-6342♥
love yall bye bye♥