(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 16:38

So, Looks like it might be time for another update- it's been a while.

College is almost killing me- yet again- but I can take it. The only thing really keeping me sane is the fact that I'v given up on doing half the things I wish I had time to do.

I added social events planner to my resume for CRU at YSU- so ya know- why not pile on some more wicked business to my life- it's all right though, cuz I just have a knack for that sorta stuff. OSU games have taken over saturdays- and i regret that I haven't seen ysu play once- hopefully I'll make it to HC in a few weeks but working every weekend kinda sucks the fun outta life.

A few months ago, Kevin managed to pull a huge surprise on me by stealing me away to cleveland's little italy for a romantic candelight dinner. I thought it was over til he surprised me again with front row tickets to a comedy central show. Ya- he's pretty ridiculously amazing ladies. Hands off.

Last weekend he stole me away again and surprised me with fall colored roses- and apparently Someone let it slip but we were supposed to go on another surprise in Pittsburgh. I'm sure that's to come ;)
I don't know where exactly he came from- but he's everything I'v always imagined for a guy. I'm the happiest I'v ever been.

UMmm. How bout coffee? My friends seem to have to schedule each other in now-a days. Kinda really sucks but I guess thats a con to growing up right? And my piano gets dusty from time to time since I hardly have time to write new melodies. Every once in a while I get a good jam out and man does it feel good.

O! sign language is awesome- but it is technically my 6th class and i swore I would never do that again- good move mack. O well. we're half way done now -or atleast close- and its hard to believe how fast college goes. geez. Kevin just turned 25 yesterday- and he loved his lazer/flashlight for his gun. wheew. I spent a ton so im glad he loves it. And my friends have taken to calling me betty crocker now. I have this new found love for baking homemade pies. yes. from scratch. mMm. anywhew. Modeling sucks this fall- hopefully I can find some new fun work or agency or something-

Peace out.-Hope y'all registered to vote
"rock the vote"- i enjoyed randomly being followed by your two twenty somethings across campus- i hope you didnt get mugged when you walked down belmont ave by urselves.

ps: would you vote for me if i ran for HC? ;)
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