(no subject)

Mar 03, 2010 18:01

Enjoy the game, she says.

ENJOY THE GAME?! I'm not going to the game, I'm going TO CLASS! That's right, lady, I just paid you $10 to park in the visitors garage because the idiotic University only allows students to park in one lot during basketball games! Why don't I park there? Because it's FILLED UP.

So, this is the third time I've been forced to pay to park on Campus, even though I paid $100 for a damn parking pass so I didn't have to pay each time I park here!

The first time was when it snowed. The Department of Transportation didn't plow out the parking lot, opting to dump all the snow ON parking spaces instead of off into the huge grassy fields next to the spaces.

The second time was last Wednesday. Another basketball game (vs Clemson, I think). I did not pay the toll.

Now, i'm not about missing two classes in a row, so when I found out that motherfucking DUKE was playing this Wednesday, I went straight to the ATM and withdrew ten dollars because I KNEW there wasn't going to be any parking spots.

Cliffs: Fuck you, UMD.
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