Apr 17, 2007 16:59
It’s amazing how easily one comment can change a person so drastically. A comment about the way you dress can lead a person to go out and change their entire wardrobe or a joke about the way you eat can make you self-conscious whenever you’re around that person and food. Or if, in the heat of the moment, a person says something they might not have meant to be said in a mean way can affect that person negatively for the rest of the day and stay with them for the rest of their lives. The old saying says forgive and forget, but in some situations you forgive a person and you move on but you can never forget. There’s something in the back of your mind that every once in a while gets brought to the surface and it bothers you; you know it shouldn’t but you can’t help it, it’s not even the initial comment anymore, its just the way it made you feel. It’s that crappy feeling that you can’t seem to get over no matter how hard you try or want to get over it. No matter how much comfort food you eat or how much you sulk and cry and tell yourself how it wasn’t meant the way you took it you just can’t seem to get past it, and know you probably never will. It makes you feel like shit, and feeling like shit is the worst thing that you could ever experience especially when it is reoccurring.