Sep 28, 2011 00:37
You know how sometimes you're in a high at your personal life but you don't realize it until much later?.
I'm experiencing that right now, after haven't recently contacted/been contacted by some old friends who I used to love to talk to, and an ex GF who was awesome before and during our time together.
Ex GF gone sour, to the point that I found myself yelling at her in the phone earlier, she claims a lot of crap went down that didn't and is asking for help getting out of trouble, fat chance of that after how we ended it.
Talked to a friend a couple of days ago, she's gone so utterly mushy and cheesy over her "new found love" that it become impossible to talk to her, never mind that the girl in question (my friends gf) is fcking ugly, fat, stupid, mediocre and ugly. Way to go buddy! That one's a keeper for sure!.... WTF? How do you talk to someone who's stupidly in love with someone who is so far beneath her she wont even agree to be her full time gf?
Second friend, I talked to today.... we used to have tons of fun conversing, now she cuts off any chance of fun having, its been coming for a while, we've been on and off talking in spells of months vs days where she only had bad crap going on, I figured a good buddy sticks through that and tries to help, even when it lasted a year or two, wtv. But now that she's in a place she's been looking to be in for some years, she'sdissmissive, boring and comes across as bitter.
I have no need for these kinds of people in my life, I want the fun, the playful, the enjoyable, I don't mind it when people have issues in their life, I'm a damned good friend, but I can't deal with a lifetime of boring. I'm someone with whom people can talk about their shitty asss life and have me agree with them, or laugh for hours without a particular reason. That's who I like to be to people, the girl/guy with whom people can have fun, rage or cry with, but I need the variety.
I guess all I'm saying is that change sucks, and it sucks even more when people you care about become shitty bastards.