So I think
ask_captainjack is my new favorite Torchwood Thing.
Captain Jack on Tosh:
Tosh was a genius! I mean, I have never seen anybody able to read out loud from a Rift monitor screen as well as she could. And people don't even know how awesome she was. She was not just a software engineer. She was a web developer too! People would say, Oh there's Toshiko building a particle accelerator, or whatever. But I'd reply: Have you seen her embed a .gif in a fucking table? She's fabulous!!!! She could centre a header like nobody's business. If there was a button, she would bevel the shit out of it.
And on Owen:
There's so much people don't know about Owen.
He was always flat-hunting. That was his thing. He went from one posh condo to another! As long as it had a nice long wall to screw girls up against, he was happy. Many times I promised him Ianto to move furniture and boxes, in exchange for beer and pizza for me.
Later, we found out he was just buying new places when his current flat got too dirty. He didn't even sell the old ones. I wonder if our payroll system needs review? I sign the forms where the happy face sticker is, but who has time to fucking read these things?
It's funny because it's my personal fanon. Like I think his apartment from S1-S2 changed. But he brought the windows.