Writing meme

May 06, 2008 23:42

1. What's the last thing you wrote?

Um...."Bending Over Backwards" a cute-ish little Ten/Rose "first kiss" scenario, that spawned from the depths of nowhere.

2. Was it any good?

Sure, I liked it. Dunno why I wrote it.

3. What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?

Wow. I know I wrote a story about my kitten way back in first grade. It's in bound, lined purple construction paper. The kitten died about a month later. And I don't know what that tells you about that particular event...

4. Write poetry?

I used to for school. And I think I'm quite good at it. I never write anything secular for fun though. Only fanfic. :(

5. Most fun character you ever wrote?

Oh dear Lord. I turned a high school crush into an infamous 1920's gangster. Also a Mexican superhero. Also a robot. Um.

6. Most annoying character you ever wrote?


7. Best plot you ever wrote?

Once, for a RENTfic, I crafted a story around Roger's departure from Alphabet City for 14 years and his mysterious return. It was SO AMAZING but the fic took a nosedive and I cry about it. Constantly. Okay not really. But like, yeah. Fuckit.

8. Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?

I started writing a post-Doomsday Rose/Master where the Master regenerates and ends up in Rose's universe following his LotTL assassination, and Rose thinks he's the Doctor's 11th regeneration and he manipulates her. 'Twas awesome.

9. How often do you get writer's block?

IDK. But it seems I only get inspiration when I have homework due. Funny how these things work.

10. How do you fix it?

When I have writer's block I usually just go, "Oh, fuck me." and not write anything. When I have writer's block for school papers I watch endless amounts of Who until I feel guilty and cry and slit my wrists and write.

11. Do you type or write by hand?

WEIRD STORY: When I'm writing RENT, it's in a notebook, and Who is laptop.

12. Do you save everything you write?

Oh, always. I end up recycling the shit, too.

13. Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?

Wow, you read my mind.

14. What's your favorite thing that you've written?

"Strangers"- the Rent fic w/ Roger's absence that I alluded to before. I loved that fic SO HARD and then I fell out of love with RENT (curses, Dave, curses!) and it deflated and fell by the wayside.

15. What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?

RENTfic "Fluoxitine Hydrochloride" in which Mark tries to kill himself via overdose after Roger's premature death. IT WAS SO EMO. It got like all the favorites ever and people used to IM and PM me sobbing and shaking their fists. So I overdosed too. It was sad. Not really. But everyone loved teh emos.

16. Do you ever show people your work?


17. Who's your favorite constructive critic?

Penname 'Iniga' on ff.net and 'rexmanningdays'

18. Did you ever write a novel?

I started on in 7th grade. Then, I realized I was in 7th grade.

19. Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?


20. Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?

Umm...Ten/Reinette up teh butt. And out of the blue, Ten/Rose. Pfft.

21. What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?

Ummmmm...horror? IDK.

22. How many writing projects are you working on right now?

Depends on how much homework I have. It's finals week. I assume loads. :)

23. Do you want to write for a living?

Oh, do I wish.

24. Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?

OMG In like 5th or 6th grade I had MY OWN COLUMN in a neighborhood newspaper. HOW FUCKING COOL WAS I, HEY?! I was like eleven. I wrote about Pokemon a lot. And then I've always worked for the school paper.

25. Have you ever won an award for your writing?

A lot, actually. Some poetry awards and a random stupid historical fiction award and a thing from Scholastic.

26. Ever written something in script or play format?

YEP. AND IT WAS FUCKING PERFORMED AT MY SCHOOL, HOW COOL IS THAT?! It was called "The Ensuing Argument" about the conversation that follows a breakup and my friend Tim Davis directed it and it was SO FUCKING AMAAAAZING HE DID SUCH A GOOD JOB OMG TIM I LOVE YOU TO DEATH.

27. What is your favorite word?

BEES. I have no idea. At the moment BEEEEES. But I didn't think of that. Dave? Fuck? I say 'fuck' a lot. I also like fucking. Hm. Money's on 'fuck'. Fuck Dave with BEEEEES? Aw hell.

27. Do you ever write based on yourself?

No that's weird. WELL ACTUALLY WAIT. In the afforementioned stories about the high school crush? I was in them a lot. Hee.

28. Which of your characters most resembles you?

When I used to write RENT I identified with Mark incredibly. So that was easy. We are the same person, I've decided.

blank_stares once said, "You write a mean Mark and after meeting you in person I think you are definitely Mark, with some definite Roger attributes. You're freakishly smart and a VERY good writer. You're a bit introverted...but around your friends you're spazzy and fun and vaguely inappropriate. I wouldn't have it any other way. <3" 

29. Where do you get ideas for your characters?

From their subsequent movies/shows.

30. Do you ever write based on your dreams?


31. Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?

I like sad endings. I'm a non-conformist. Rock. I've always liked stories that made me dissatisfied though. Cuz that's real life.

32. Have you ever written anything based on an artwork you've seen?

Not that I can recall. That's a good idea though. I usually write entire fics based on quotes.

33. Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?


34. Ever write something entirely in chatspeak?

/I dunno what that means sorry/

35. Does music help you write?

No, cuz if I listen to music while I'm writing then I accidentally write the lyrics. O.o

36. Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?


37. Quote something you've written.
-Teaspoon: http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=7025
-RENT 'n moar Who 'n M. Night: http://www.fanfiction.net/~volitaire

Damn I miss New York.........................

Because I like talking about myself and I'm fucking brilliant anyway. Or....I'm fucking Dave with bees? Whichever.

somebody give me a pen, i am the master

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