OOC: Character Relations

Jul 22, 2020 16:48

Arbitrarily updated CR chart. Only includes recent or fairly active CR.

musthatefrogs - Volgin, and a slightly unusual one at that. This one's been to another Nexus-like universe, where he had another Ivan. This Ivan is extremely jealous and trying his damnedest to keep him all for himself, even after being initially heart broken by the giant seemingly ditching him one night for several real-time months. When he came back there was a lot of arguing, but Ivan gave in. Now, after being injured Volgin is kind of like a personal cook and nurse. Eventually they moved into a new apartment after Volgin lost an eye and they and have grown closer since. Jealousy has shrunken to near nonexistence for Ivan, but being Volgin and Raikov, there are still plenty of road bumps.

In summary, lovers who argue a lot, are selfish bastards, but still care.

butthurtsleeper - A male EVA Ivan recruited as secretary during his "take over" on the intercom. EVA's milking Ivan for information while Ivan's just trying to milk him for sex. Spoilers: They're both winners. Ivan's abused EVA's alias "Toby" quite a bit when he had electric powers. Now, after the Cry Wolf event, he noticed a similiar scar they share and has gotten suspicious.

He see's Toby's meekness making him a disposable person only worth his time because of looks. EVA had a bit more headbutt to him and he enjoys that, especially because it pisses him off just a little bit.

fancy_shooting There is literally nobody he loathes more than an Ocelot. Annoyingly enough to him, he had to work with this one during Cry Wolf.

gameboy_sniper - One of the first people he met in the Nexus. Ivan likes to tease him and constantly try to worm his way into his pants, although the latter never works. When it comes down it though, he does have a strong appreciation for Pierre and values him as a comrade. Pierre's notably been there to save Ivan's ass when a Raiden attacked him.

neurotic_insect - A very skinny psychic who he first met when forced into a blind date. Both Russian, they have a bit in common. Ivan doesn't mind talking to him or his company. Has also helped save his ass. Ivan loathes him because he tries to proclaim himself better than him, and has threatened him on a few occasions--but never came through.

!ooc, !character relations

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