Ummmm.... Subject.... subject....

Aug 17, 2004 01:19

^---- thought that was interesting...

Oh well job interview in >8 hours MEEP! I hope to hell I get this job! If so I can go PLEAD with my bank to loan me some cash to pay tuition. My friend has said that he will be opening his own business in BC. *points to the other side of the country with the rockey mountains are* and for me to join him and I could make house calls for compooter problems... *thinks about driving up in his hummer pulling out his laptop and fixing a virus then zooming off in his monster* would be fun! Gaming all day, screwing with computers too. THAT IS FUN! PLUS!!!! WHISLER MOUNTAINS! ANYONE FOR HELEBOARDING!

For those who don't know what that is:

Jumping out of a helecopter landing after a 10-20 foot drop onto a mountain (WHERE THERE ARE NO SKI PATROLS OR SKI LIFTS) and you snowboard down. ULTIMATE RUSH! Just that drop would make your tummy go into your throat! JEEZUS. I wanna do it!!! Only problem is, if you get into could be fun getting you OFF! Nuts... Looks like I can't go flying down the mountain at a few HUNDRED feet per second...that spoils all my fun *pouts*

But still back to dreaming! My friend's shop is dealing in modded PC's and custom built PC's. I can already see mine! Clear plexiglass case with glow-in-the-dark tape around all the cabling, Tube lights around the top of the case and a mirror on the bottom of the case so I could bounce a laser around the case =) I won't go into the specs right now because that would take up too much space and I need SOME sleep!

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