And i'm sure the view from heaven, beats the hell out of mine here...

Jul 21, 2005 20:16

My father died 6 years ago today.
That seems so long ago.

In short, I feel the need to tell you all about how much of a wonderful person he was.

Both my mother and my father grew up in Rahway. My parents have known each other practially their holes lives because my mom's brother was my dads best friend. (So thats like me getting married to Marley or Maggies brother). I always thought that was kinda neat.

My father grew up in the same house i'm living in right now. He used to tell me stories about how his older brothers used to wrap pillows around him and kick him around in the back yard, and how in my backyardd my aunt had a horse, and they built a huge fort (which later caught on fire), and how the hole block used to play man-hunt.

My father was a big part of our lives. We have countless movies of him making us laugh and singing happy birthday to us. So many people "hate" their fathers, but i would do anything to bring him back. My mom would kick and scream at us and we wouldnt listen, but as soon as my dad said "go get this done", we would do it in a second.

My father only made me cry 2 times in my entire life. Once when i was in 2nd grade and i used his shower to take a bath, and i used his special shampoo. (i guess it was more expensive?) And when i got out he called me over to his room, and told me to never ever do it again. He didn't even yell, but deep down i knew i had done somthing wrong. So i started to cry for some reason. And the second time he made me cry was when he died.

If you know my brother vinnie, then you know my father. My dad could make anyone laugh. He was the most enjoyable person to be around. When my cousins got thier licence, the first place they drove was to my house to show my dad. Everyone loved him. Of all the uncles, he was the one throwing around the kids in the pool at a family party, and he was the eating at the little kids table just to make everyone laugh. Everyone who ever knew him loved him. To this day i like to think hes never had an enemy.

My dad was a big guy, over 200 pounds. In 1997 he developed a blood clot in his left leg. To cure a blood clot you take the drug called "Heprin". No one knew this at the time, but my fathor was very alergic to it and had an algergic reaction to the drug. Blood clots started to spred though out his hole body, almost reaching his heart. They had to quickly stop it. So, they had to remove the leg the blood clot started in. The sugery would leave my father paralyzed from the waist down, and in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

While he was in Overlook hospital, all the nurses on their break would just come and sit with him. Everyone loved him. Even at his funeral everyone from the hospital came to see him. Everyday my mom would pick us up from school and we would go up there. After 6 months, my father made it home for Christmas. A good section of the house how to be remolded so his wheel chair could fit. My father worked at New Jersey Transit. His wheel chair didn't hold him back from going back to work. After buying a handycaped van, and moving his office, he went back to work.

Once when i was in 3rd grade, i was on the playground when i saw that he and my mom pulled up outside the fence. Me and all my friends went over to see what was going on. Next thing i know, all the kids on the playground were racing my dad in his electric wheel chair.

About a year after this all happened, my dad got a pain in his arm. My mother didn't realize at the time how serious this could be. One night he was not feeling good, so my mom took him to the hospital. He died of a heart attack on July 21, 1999.

I'm sorry if i bored you. But, i'm really kind of upset and i just wanted everyone to know what an amazing man my father was. I would give up my life in a second just to bring him back. I love and miss him soo much.

I'll always love you.
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