A bad, BAD time to be in love

May 18, 2007 12:59

Dear Dean Winchester,

Grand Funk to put your brother in the mood? OH MY GOD STOP MAKING ME LOVE YOU.

No, really, stop making me love you. I have essays.



P.S: Nooo, that level of investment in your brother's love life isn't subtextual at all.


No, really, the first time in MY LIFE that I can watch a show and consistantly name that tune. Why yes, my dad does have a gigantic record collection and a fully-functional turntable, why do you ask?

Seriously, flist, I am now three episodes away from the end of the first season, and I hear those three are a doozy, as is the first of the second season, so I'm waiting until they're all downloaded so I can watch them in a big chunk. In the meantime, I may get a start on those 1700 words that are due on Monday. Or I may find something else to distract me until bedtime. Uh, yeah, behold a master at work.

(I need a Dean icon right now.)

ETA: Finally watched up to 201. God, people, how did you survive that hiatus? *clutches chest* Oh, Dean!

Also, um, wow, John. The way he went was... satisfying, actually. I did kind of want to strangle him for a long time, there, and he redeemed himself in the end - but only redeemed himself. He did not really endear himself to me at any point, which is actually really cool with me, because he was a lot more interesting that way. Great demon-hunter, lousy father, but you get the idea that if the YED had never appeared and Mary was still around, he'd be fantastic - he just sucks at being alone. Except he refuses to believe that he sucks at being alone, for he is Manly. Which, um, like I said: cool and interesting characer, but I still wanted to beat him with a shoe. *rubs head* Anyway.

supernatural, music

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