I made this!

Feb 22, 2007 21:41

Yesterday, I vidded. This is my first ever vid - I hadn't touched a movie-making program until yesterday, because I'd never really had the time or the material I needed. Also, I'd never been bored or bloody-minded enough. It was simultaneously much harder and much easier than I thought it would be - hard because I was learning as I went, and Microsoft Help databases are compiled by demons who refuse to tell you simple things like where to click, and subsequently I spent three hours trying to work out how to turn the sound off - and easy, because wow, once you get going it's damned hard to stop. Every time you get a sequence that works, it's like a tiny computerised crack high. It was just a matter of messing around the bits that didn't work while trying not to upset the bits that did.

Because it's my first vid and I'm still, um, perfecting my grasp of Windows Movie Maker, there may still be blips in the video and so on. Be forgiving. Or, well, any reaction at all would be good.

Anyway, this is the result. I hope you like it.

Out of My Hands
Fandom: Heroes
Artist: The Dave Matthews Band
Size: 14 MB (YouSendIt)

Click here.

ETA: Link replaced.

i made this, heroes, vids

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