Okay. That was... hm. The episode explored one of my favorite apocalyptic themes: What are people willing to do in order to survive? Here it was killing "sinners" (among them friends they've known since childhood and children) just so they can go to paradise. I liked that.
What I didn't like was Dean. Not surprising since it appears that a lot of people didn't like him in this episode. The thing is, Dean acts like him saying yes to Michael is such a bad thing and such a great sacrifice, yet he completely ignores that Sam has it even worse. Michael wants to stop Lucifer. Lucifer wants to KILL HUMANITY. Yet who is the one angsting? Dean. Who feels hopeless because God doesn't want to help? Dean. Seriously show, I love Dean, but this is getting ridiculous.
And then the episode ends with Dean going to Lisa. WHUT??? He spent one weekend with her 10 years or so ago. Then he saw her again about 2 years ago for one episode and yet we are to believe that she's the one he sees himself with?? And she feels the same? Give me a break.